Thursday 18 March 2010


It as the premiere of Robert Pattinson's new film 'Remember Me' at London's Leicester Square last night...

Cue hundreds of teenage girls screaming to get pics, autographs and even cheeky kisses from the 23-year-old heartthrob.

Some fans had even camped overnight to be first in line to meet their hunky idol.

If you haven't heard about the film, it's all about a two lovers- Tyler (R-Patz) and Ally (Caitlyn Rund) who are brought together through family tragidies.

R-Patz will be winning more girl fans in this film, considering he keeps his 'bad boy-but romantic' persona that he adopts in 'Twilight'. He is also his natural colour instead of ghostly white, which makes him even more sexy!

But yeh, you can check the film out (and R-patz!) on the 2nd April, but for now, here's the trailer...

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