Friday 20 November 2009


The JLS boys were leaving their Dublin hotel, when security staff realised one of their bags was suspiciously moving... because it had a girl inside!

Yes, a crazed teenage fan of the boys had zipped herself in a bag that matched their luggage to try and get close to the foursome.

Unfortunately for her, her plan failed, as she couldn't hold still any more after waiting for 30 minutes and a security guard spotted it. He also noticed the fact that the bag didn't have tags on it.

She did it to try and meet JLS, however, they had already gone on in cars.

Luckily for the girl, she managed to escape any trouble by running away by pretending to got to the toilet.

A source on tour said: "It's getting to the point where the fanaticism is dangerous.

"This girl was so meticulous. She had brought along her own bag to match the luggage the lads normally use.

"But it was moving slightly and didn't have any tags so one of the security lads clocked it.

"When the girl was pulled out she had been in there for at least half an hour and was close to fainting. She was looking for the boys but they had already left.

"She was distraught but managed to slip away, pretending she needed the toilet.

"It's getting scary how far some of these fans will go."

It just shows that JLS fans are definitely the craziest around, what with this and people getting crushed when they turned on Birmingham Christmas lights last week... the world's gone JLS mad!


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